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There's alot going on right now in the HVAC industry. We have a extreme phase out of the exsisting refrigerant called R-22. This type of refrigerant is a CFC and is not considered safe for the enviroment. The EPA has restricted the sale of R-22 so that we can move away from it in the near future. The end result is the consumer ( me and you) will have to pay more to get it! The cost has already doubled in the last 4 weeks! Bottom line is if you have a system with a leak; even a slow leak that has to be filled every year,you may want to consisder repairing that leak or replacing the equipment soon. The cost of just "refilling" it every year will be substantial in the near future.
There are also many rebates still available for most new equipment. Local utility companys are offering a one type discount as where some upgrades such as Geothermal has a 30% rebate of the total cost of installation with NO ceiling! This could mean the upgrade would pay for itself in a very short period of time. Just food for thought, because a penny saved is a penny earned.